Lowland Rescue’s nationally accredited search standards for missing people include the search of waterways by teams on the bankside, and those on search boats.
Searching waterways for missing people is a high priority in any callout because of the danger if that person was to enter the water. Our teams are trained to search swiftly, safely and with the essential protective equipment to ensure their own safety and maximise the chance of rescuing anyone in or near the water.
Many Lowland Rescue teams have partnered with their local emergency services to provide a water-rescue service for flood situations. Where this is the case, Lowland Rescue recognises the training by external expert providers such as Rescue3 and Outreach.
Our Flood Rescue teams are trained to the national DEFRA Type C (paddleboat) and Type B (powerboat) levels, and can work seamlessly with the Fire & Rescue Services at a major flood. If you are interested in finding our more about your local team and their water-search capabilities, please contact them here (LINK)